Thursday 23 March 2017

Sunshine, friends and a mud bath

Blog 9
Mon 13/03/2017 - Sun 19/03/2017

This week I ran Mon, Tues, Sat & Sun

Mon- Today I ran a longer run in the morning, about 13 mile, it started off a cool wet morning, but soon it dried up and the sun came out. Off came the jacket and through the lanes I headed. There were still puddles everywhere. Down through Gleaston, along to Urswick and back towards the road to Stainton where I headed up the long climb, past the farm and church hall, over the brow past the Stagger inn, then more climbing to the top before heading up and down the winding lane to the back of Dalton. From there I went straight on and joined the main road back to Barrow and home.
Plenty of time today to have a really good stretch out. Later I went to boot camp with Jordan.

Tues - This morning I dropped little man Byron off at nursery and popped into work to print something. Just as I was leaving I bumped into the Cunning stunts a group of friends who run from the leisure centre in the mornings so I asked if I could tag along. It was a great little run about 6 mile out past the train station, along the Abbey path and through the Abbey, the Abbey ruins looking eerie and magnificent at the same time. It was pretty quiet too, except for us lot chatting away, it was nice to catch up with everyone. At lunch time I went along to Barrow rotary club to do a presentation about my Brathay journey, I was really nervous, but the guys were great they made me feel really welcome. After this I went home to pack for a trip to Edinburgh with Dave a little bit of time together on our own before my eldest daughter has the baby. Its due anytime now and I'm her birthing partner so things are gonna become hectic soon and its sooo exciting. Especially as we don't know what its gonna be.

Sat - After a few days off running it was time to put my body and mind to the test. My good friends Malcolm and Yuk-lam Collins organise a double marathon called the Gin Pit double in Manchester. The lovely Trudi Dewer and 1 of my team mates for this years 10 in 10 gave me a lift down and right from the outset I knew it was gonna be tough. The weather had turned nasty over the last few days with heavy rain and strong winds right across the country. This was going to be a mud bath.
We set off and within a few strides we were in the mud trying to dodge puddles to keep our feet dry, It wasn't long though before we were on solid paths made from tiny little stones alongside a bus track. At first glance I thought it was tram tracks and then a bus appeared. It travelled along smooth paths with raised sides. On the front of the bus there were bumpers to keep it on the smooth path. you had to be alert when you crossed the path because they were really quiet. We followed this path along the busway for a while then crossed a road onto another path that was the weirdest feeling ever. You could smell the rubber in it as you bounced along, ab bit like running on a track. This didn't last for too long before we were back in the mud and puddles. It was impossible to not get your feet wet. After a while we were back on a solid path and heading towards the canal. Then it started raining, then the wind got stronger. Oh boy this was gonna be tough. Up to now I had been running with Mark Bradshaw 1 of my Brathay family, his lovely wife Anna and son had come to support him it was great to see then again. I said to him that if he wanted to go ahead just go although I was hoping he wouldn't as I didn't really want to do 11 1/2 mile of canal running in the rain against the wind on my own. Luckily he stayed. For the 1st few miles we were running on solid path and then it turned to a mush of snippy slimy mud yuk. we weaved in and out of the trees trying to avoid getting too wet to no avail but eventually we were on the other side with a few mile to go to get off the canal. Once we were off the canal and running through a place called Platt bridge I found that as we got to the hills my legs felt heavy, all that energy zapping mud was taking its toll, I walked for a while up the hills then got back into my rhythm. At this point Mark had gone ahead and I was on my own. I found a comfy pace and kept going. After a while I caught back up with Mark and we ran together again towards the bog of doom. When we got to it there was no way round, just straight through the middle. My feet felt minging after this full of grit, more puddles, more mud lol all the way to a park. We ran through the park and joined the bus route again for a while before heading down a path that was full of mud and puddles again. We turned into some woods and had to climb over some fallen trees, my quads screamed as I lifted them high up to get my leg over the tree. we then ran back across the bus route and turned into the home stretch. A very welcoming sight.
It was my dads 70th birthday too so I had to go back to Barrow. It was a really good night lots of family came from away. I left at 11:15 so I could get some sleep ready for the marathon tomorrow.

Sun - I felt so tired when I got up this morning. Like I'd had no sleep. Jenny and Dave picked me up about 7 and I had a kip in the car on the way. We got down to gin pit village and I didn't feel any better. I thought to myself "its gonna be even tougher today" maybe I didn't eat enough. Anyway the plan was to get out there and get round in 1 piece. By the time we set off I was feeling a bit more awake and motivated. catching up with some of my Brathay family again helped. About a mile into the run. I started talking to a guy I was running next too and as it turned out we were following each other on strava, but never met in the flesh. We ran the whole marathon together, chatting together, he was from the area so he gave me some history about the places as we ran round. It was still a very tough run but today I ran through most of the puddles instead of trying to negotiate round them lol. the wind wasn't as bad and again the energy sucking stuff let me know I'd been through it when I got to the road at Platt bridge which I was informed is named Platt Vegas by the locals lol and a bit further up the rd. Alan informed me they had found a dead body in the wheelie bin of a house we were running past, bit gruesome. From here we turned down the twice as muddy track, we splashed through huge puddles and out onto the road then towards the Lake of doom lol as I found out yesterday, no way round just wade through. The puddles along the tracks to the finish were definitely more wet and muddy than yesterday. Another marathon down, mentally I'm stronger after recovery hope my legs will be stronger. I am totally gonna do this.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Squats, angels and an unexpected dip.

Blog 8
Week 6/3/17 - 12/3/17
This week I ran Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun

Mon - Today I got up bright and early, took Dave to work and went to the gym. At the gym I did my leg routine and glute routine and lots of stretching after yesterdays run.
After work I ran with Barrow & Furness striders, It was freezing to start but I ended up in my t-shirt lol :
800 2min rec
1200 2min rec
800 1 lap (500) rec
800 2min rec
1000 2min rec
800 1 lap rec
5.8 miles done
Finished off the evening with boot camp or shud I say boot camp finished me off lol, Squats, jumping jacks, burpees, Squats, jumping jacks, burpees, squats...............think you might guess the rest lol We did some races too to break the session up, but you never guess what we had to do in the races. This is gonna hurt tomorrow I'm gonna be dreaming tonight Squat, jumping jacks, burpees repeat..

Tues - Well I got up at 6, running gear on ready to go, then I ate a banana and spent the next 10 min throwing it up. hmm this is not fair. It wasn't long tho before I was out, I actually felt ok. I had a route in mind that involved a hill a very large hill that I haven't run all the way up in over a year and a couple or more other hills to get there and get home lol. When the sun came out I could feel the warmth on my face, but there was still a cool breeze. By the time I got to moor road the temperature had gone up but I couldn't be bothered taking my jacket off. I headed up the hill, a little bit more, just a bit more, come on nearly at the top and then my phone started ringing, I had to get it, it could be Natalie my eldest, who is expecting my 2nd grandchild and only has 5 wks left. It was Gladys who lives next door conversation went something like "Are u in " no but natalie might be" "are you running where are you?" "I'm running up the biggest hill ever" "oh sorry I was just gonna ask you to get me some cotton wool balls" "yeah no probs " Bye. Gladys your an angel When we hung up I was at the top and still running, I kinda  welled up a bit, I felt good I think sometimes especially when your on your own and its pretty tough a friendly voice helps you on your way. the sun was shining I felt happy and I enjoyed the rest of the run home just in time to stretch, have an ice bath and be outside nursery for 11.30am.
Later at work I taught my regular spin class, did an induction and had another stretch out. 16.5 miles today.

Roanhead beach from hawcoat
Wed - Today I met a friend Nicola, and went for a short jog round the parkrun course 2.5 mile as part of my aim to run 10 days in a row, not necessary long runs, just some nice easy short runs on my usual days off. Lets just say its a little bit of mind prep as well as leg prep. After which I went for a deep tissue massage with Becky Lewis and i'm sure she sharpened her elbows just for me. A little bit of a niggle I've had on the inside of my ankle since I broke it didn't seem as bad today when she poked and prodded and dug at it lol. Definitely getting better.
THURS: Today I ran with the panthers, about 5 mile easy run after being on a course all day it was nice to get out and stretch the legs. After this I taught a spin class.

Hamstrings and couch stretch
FRI: Tonight I ran with the dragons after work, we did about 4 mile it was still light when we set off a good sign it's getting lighter in the evenings.

SAT:  Today was cake sale day, massive thanks to everyone who made cakes and bought cakes we raised a fabulous £125.00 Thank you also to Jenny and Michelle for selling them for me you did awesome. I was tired when I finished work today but I somehow motivated myself to do get out in the rain and run 3 1/2 mile. The weather was miserable and I got in a bit wet but I felt better for it later.

SUN: Today's run was a whole new adventure, I went on a run with some friends and we headed up to Ulpha in the lake district. We headed up the fell by the school and onto a track through some woods then out across some fields climbing styles along the way and down to the stepping stones across the river, but wen we got there the stones were underwater so we turned back up the river to find a safer place to cross at some other stepping stones. These proved to be too slippy so we took the only other option and waded through. What a laugh, the current was strong,but we all managed to get across safely, just, from there we headed up an ankle deep muddy path to a road, we turned down the rd till we came to a track and climbed up in the woods and then followed the track till we came out at the top of a hill in a clearing, through a gate and up to thrith ruins, gorgeous views everywhere, someone was doing up 1of the buildings it had new wooden doors on, windows and a brand new slate roof. From there we headed down to the Corney fell rd, down the big steep hill til we got to a path through the woods. This path meandered through the trees, over streams, past a farm and back down to the road that headed back to the car. When we got to the end of the woods I managed to get a picture of a heron stood on a rock, just watching the world go by. At the end of the run most of stood in the river up to our knees, our natural Icebath and to wash our legs. It was very busy when we got back with canoes going down the river and the mountain rescue training. We got the brews going and bacon butties etc. Great finish to a run thanks Hilary for organising it for us.


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Wednesday 8 March 2017

Hailstones, inspiration & Friends

Blog 7

Wk - Mon 27/2/17 - 5/3/17

This week I ran Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sun

Mon - I got up early and headed to the gym where I did some leg work, 3sets of 10 reps on :
Single leg curl, straight leg dead lifts, pistol squats, Leg press, squats & seated calf followed by the glute session.

In the evening I did a speed session at striders and that was tough but I got on with it with some great support from everyone. With the warm up and cooldown it worked out about 6 1/2 miles.

1 x 1200 2min rec
1 x 1000 2min rec
1 x 1000 500m rec jog
3 x 800 90sec rec between
1 x 500 rec jog

After this I went to boot camp. I really enjoyed the session tonight and know I'm gonna feel it on my morning run.

Tues - This mornings run was really tough. Up at 6 out for 7. My legs as I knew were tired from last night, but I gotta get used to running on tired legs. Things were great for the 1st 10 mile ish even took my jacket off then I had to walk a little bit up the hill, It was a large hill lol I stopped and took a picture of the dark cloud coming over the sea and thought to myself, I wanna get as near to home as I can before that gets to me aaaargh. Off I went again then as I was leaving the next little village I spotted some cute little lambs so I had to get a picture for Byron, or was it another excuse to stop, they were cute tho. The lambs, daffodils and tulips are all saying spring has arrived but the hailstones that greeted me about 3 mile from home were trying to say This is winter and we are still out to get you! Bit of sand blasting on my face to the point I turned my back and walked backwards lol. After it eased I finished my run in the rain thinking I've got to get a cold bath when I get in brrr (not) Hot shower it was then :-) Who needs a cold bath when your legs are so cold they feel numb, good job I didn't put my shorts on lol. Got little man for the rest of the day too.
Spin class this evening, red hot, steamed up windows, loosened the legs up bit of a contrast from this morning. Followed by some foam rolling.

Wed - Today I went to the Brathay's Barrow office to meet 3 young adults working on a project funded by the Focus on furness appeal. Over the last 2yrs I have raised just under £14,000 for the appeal and it was really good to see where some of the money is going and the good it is doing within our community. Meeting Georgia, Jonathon and Adam was really inspiring and I admire them greatly for taking this project on. They are creating an interactive, multimedia presentation, 'keeping safe' which will be shown to yr 7 pupils in 5 of the towns secondary schools. What they are doing will help keep their generation and future generations safe by alerting the youngsters to the dangers of online grooming and what actions they can take to keep safe.
It was fantastic to catch up with my team mate Apollo Jim too and Jon Owen from Brathay. I know that when I hit them rough spots during my marathons that I can draw strength from knowing how many youngsters my fundraising is helping and all the help my amazing family and friends have been, especially supporting the ups and downs in training and all the fundraising. Thankyou !!!
wed afternoon I had a deep tissue massage with Becky Lewis. It hurts but it works :-)

Thurs - After tues not great run and wed meeting with the young adults I felt a new drive in me and went for a 12 mile run. I ran through our local park, the sun was shining and the daffodils were blowing gently in the breeze, the lake was still and the ducks, geese and swans were just floating around. I headed up to the main road out of Barrow, then turned left, headed down across the level crossing and down towards the beach. How was the sand gonna be today? The sand down here changes every day, that's why its such a great place to run. It wasn't long before I realised this was gonna be a tough 1, the sand was sinking about 3-4 inches with every step. I slowed to a nice easy pace(dead slow lol) and was enjoying the sun, cool breeze and the deserted beach not a sole to be seen till I got round the other side and then there was only 1 guy way out by the tide digging for worms. Not 1 dog walker at all until I was heading back up the lane to the main road. I went back the same way I came just so I could enjoy our beautiful park.

                      road to the beach

Barrow park

Fri - This evening I enjoyed a run in the rain with the Duddon Dragons lol It was wet that is all :-)

Sun - Todays run was really enjoyable I ran with two friends Aimee and Mel and it was a nice steady pace. It was pretty flat but because we were talking most of the way I didn't really notice, usually I hate flat because its boring, but today was far from it. We headed towards the outskirts of Barrow and along the main road back passing the factories, fire station and dock museum then across the Bridge to Walney Island. We ran out towards bigger village then along a lane towards the promenade. Along this road there was a large hmm no huge puddle that filled the road. We thought sod it and set off running through, messing and laughing and at 1 point it was nearly halfway up my shins. we came to a stop when we saw some horses coming we didn't want to scare them so walked until we were past them. With squelching feet we ran down the front as far as we could, then onto the sandy path where we could see some amazing views in the distance. As we ran back towards Barrow again it started raining a bit which kept us quite cool still chatting away. This week I have had more good runs than bad so things must be getting better. My ankle didn't hurt at all today, only my foot for a while after I twinged it jumping out of the way of a dog, I think the icy puddle sorted that.

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